Saturday 22 February 2025

23.14 Percent Researching Progress for University of Science and Culture

The executive of researching and Entrepreneurship affairs of University of Science and Culture announces that: There is a 23.14 percent researching progress than the previous year

Sinapress: universities are one of the main organizations in the field of researching focusing on the education and train of researchers. Coincidently with the researching week that aiming at the advancement of researching in the country, an interview is held with Dr. Zahra Naadalipour, the executive of researching and Entrepreneurship affairs of University of Science and Culture, communicating about the researching situation of this university.

Naadalipour asserts that students play a developing role in the field of writing articles. she puts that although each faculty possess a different percent of this contribution, the total amount of the articles has been grown significantly and this growth among M.A. students who have extracted articles from their theses as ISI and scientific-research articles and also scientific conferences answer the society’s requirement to an acceptable level.

The executive of researching and Entrepreneurship affairs of University of Science and Culture adds that researchers in the field of biological science, humanities, and Engineering science and mechanics have carried out significant researches. For instance, the cooperation of researchers in the field of biological science with Royan Institute bear precious fruits for the society.

As she points faculty members’ researching affairs has witnessed a 23.14% growth than the previous year.

The assistant professor of Faculty of Tourism Science of University of Science and Culture further notes that with regard to the great need of development in tourism industry and increase in the income of the country from this field, scientific studies can help in decision making, planning and also managing.

She asserts that tourism is really in need of scientific research and university is capable of responding this requirement. For this reason, not only this faculty faced with variety of majors but it also possess a progressing development in researching.

Naadalipour mentions that selecting novel and practical topic for thesis and articles by students, publishing useful books by faculty members of Faculty of Tourism Science, holding scientific conferences and educational-scientific workshops in the field of tourism are all examples of university activities in response to tourism industry.